Soft-skills learning solutions that help improve the performance of individuals, teams & organizations

DVD's - Communication Skills

Communicating Non-Defensively - DVD (DS)

Duration: 19 minutes

Thivideo shows five essential skills that promote a productive work environment. Viewers gain a clear understanding of why all people are naturally defensive, as well as learn the symptoms and consequences of inappropriate defensiveness. 

Have you ever expressed an opinion that led others to become defensive or hostile – even if you didn't mean it personally? Many people have reasons for believing They're being attacked.Defensive behavior can lead to hurt feelings, arguments and hostilities, often affecting a variety of relationships. The Defensiveness Chain that is created impairs communication and reduces productivity. 

This video shows that we all must be responsible for how we deliver and receive messages. Communicating Non-Defensively shows how to disengage from a defensive position, how to empathize and disarm a defensive person,how to inquire and focus on the issues, how to disclose ones own needs and goals non-defensively,and how to depersonalize the issues.

Communicating Non-Defensively reminds viewers that when comments and opinions get passed around that are potentially defensive the focus should be on behavioral patterns, so the receiver has less reason to receive it personally.

Participants will learn to:

  • Express themselves openly and effectively
  • Shift away from the defensive
  • Guide others toward better communication


  • DVD plus Downloadable Materials
  • Downloadable Materials:
  • Leader's Guide, Participant Materials
  • Downloadable materials will be emailed after order completion.


Communication Counts: Speaking and Listening for Results - DVD (DS)

Duration: 19 minutes

When your profession is caring for the health of others, words truly become a lifeline. Help your team – speakers and listeners alike – harness the power of words: your patients and your bottom line will benefit.


  • Shows employees that effective communication is the best way to avoid workplace problems
  • Encourages individuals to put in the effort required to speak and listen in a way that improves results
  • Improves organizational productivity and reduces organizational errors

The cost associated with poor workplace communication is staggering. 70% of small to mid-sized businesses claim that ineffective communication is their primary problem. There is no doubt that training designed to improve basic workplace communication is worth doing! This programme depicts six common communication errors while providing tips on how to avoid them.

How is it that a lack of communication can cause so much harm to an organization? Take a look at the list of problems below and the resulting "impact" associated with each. It's easy to see why so many failed projects, missed deadlines, and workplace conflicts are attributed to a communication blunder in one or more of these areas.

  • Problem 1: Lack of clarity, or incomplete information provided, when communicating Impact: Opens the door for the "Receiver" to misinterpret the message or make faulty assumptions. This is the root of many misunderstandings.

  • Problem 2: Ineffective listening (or reading)Impact: The speaker/sender's message is missed in whole or part. Vital information the speaker/sender assumes has been communicated has, in fact, not been received.

  • Problem 3: Using the wrong approach, method, or timing when delivering a message Impact: Conflicts arise (especially when email is used inappropriately). Important work, assigned the wrong way or at the wrong time, is not done correctly.

  • Problem 4: Lack of assertiveness in communication Impact: Instead of voicing their true needs, wants, or concerns, employees force others to guess or make assumptions. This is highly inefficient and tends to lead to conflict.

  • Problem 5: Too much multi-tasking and too many distractions Impact: Work is often not done as well as it could have been; mistakes are made.

  • Problem 6: People don't realize how their communication style affects others Impact: Individuals are off-putting to co-workers because they don't realize how things like brusqueness or sarcasm can be misconstrued. Morale, teamwork and productivity suffer.

The Communication Counts programme provides a brief look at all six of these issues while offering common sense tips on how to prevent them. Viewers observe two leaders of a small, but growing, organization as they put themselves through an online crash course on workplace communication. The video's Leader's Guide provides suggestions for group training, including one idea that allows your training audience to interact with the video; as the video's characters complete the final quiz in their training course, your trainees are able to answer the same questions (before they see how the video's characters respond).


  • DVD plus Downloadable Materials
  • Downloadable Materials:
  • Leader's Guide, Participant Worksheets
  • Downloadable materials will be emailed after order completion.


Communication Toolkit - DVD (DS)

Duration: 70 minutes

A library of 50 video clips on various aspects of communication, plus a comprehensive guide for using the clips in a number of innovative ways!

Designed for maximum flexibility, The Communication Toolkit provides you with high quality video vignettes that you can use in your own custom training courses. Each vignette/clip runs anywhere from 20 seconds to 3 minutes and depicts a common workplace interaction. Suggestions are provided for using the clips to draw out specific lessons/skills on communication.

The 50 clips in the Toolkit fall into the following communication skill categories:

  • Speaking Clearly
  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Group Communication
  • Listening
  • Resolving Conflict & Difficult Conversations
  • Presentation Skills

Clips are provided in two formats:

Format 1: The clip is introduced with some brief narration. The narration sets up the scene and gives a very general idea of what to look for in the vignette. As the narration plays, key phrases and words are highlighted through on-screen graphics.

Format 2: The scene plays without any set-up narration/onscreen graphics.

The accompanying Leader's Guide contains the following information for each clip:

  • Primary and secondary skills that can be taught using the clip
  • Suggested training applications and background information relevant to the clip
  • Scene description and photo
  • Suggested Discussion Questions along with possible responses and Activity Suggestions
  • Key points to draw from the clip
  • Ideas for following up on training conducted
  • Suggestions for using the clip in conjunction with other clips in the Communication Toolkit


Power of Listening - DVD (DS)

Duration: 23 minutes

Among other things, this video teaches why most people are not good listeners, major impediments to effective listening, listening as an active skill, why listening is a powerful tool, how listening differs from reading, and techniques for sharpening listening skills.

Of all the communication skills we employ, listening is the most used and the least appreciated. Effective listening skills are crucial because listening is a fundamental source of information, as well as a key element in interpersonal relations. This film delivers its message and demonstrates concepts through a realistic business drama, historical examples, animated characters, and an on-camera spokesperson, communications expert Dr. Tony Alessandra.

As The Power of Listening illustrates, listening is an essential and potent aspect of good communications, and despite advances in technology, it remains a very human process-and a very powerful one.

The following points are highlighted in the vide

  • Why most people are not good listeners
  • Major impediments to effective listening
  • Listening as an active leadership skill
  • Why listening is a powerful tool
  • How listening differs from reading
  • Techniques for sharpening listening skills
  • Eliminating costly mistakes through effective listening


  • DVD plus Downloadable Materials
  • Downloadable Materials:
  • Leader's Guide
  • Downloadable materials will be emailed after order completion


Speaking Effectively To One or One Thousand - DVD (DS)

Duration: 24 minutes

This entertaining film gives viewers the skills so needed for confident communication with audiences of one or one thousand.

In a well-known study, 3,000 people were asked what frightened them most. The number one answer was — public speaking. 

Host Steve Landesberg, of the Barney Miller TV show, and a team of actors show the most common ways speakers can botch a presentation. Then they show the four main components of effective speaking for an audience of any size.

This video proves that the ability to speak effectively is one of the most powerful tools for personal and professional success. And because people who speak effectively are perceived as leaders, the importance of training all members of your organization in the techniques presented here cannot be overstated. By showing this film to both management and the workforce, you'll help people build better relationships with colleagues and customers while greatly enhancing the quality of communication,creativity, productivity and the very image of your organization.

  • What causes public-speaking fear and how to avoid it
  • The roles of appearance and body language
  • How to most effectively communicate your message

Employees are taught that while they don't need to be best friends with everyone on the team,they must respect each other, appreciate their differences and look for the value that each person brings to the overall group effort.


  • DVD plus Downloadable Materials
  • Downloadable Materials:
  • Leader's Guide
  • Downloadable materials will be emailed after order completion


Verbal Communication: The Power Of Words - DVD (DS)

Duration: 22 minutes

Poor communication can create chaos in the workplace. The point is clearly illustrated as this award-winning video visits a newsroom and a hospital where miscommunication reigns. We guarantee you won't forget the lessons.

The complexities of verbal communication are explained from this simple perspective: the very reason for communication is to be understood. To get positive results, speakers need to understand the effect of their words on others. Listeners need to understand what they hear by avoiding quick judgment and misinterpretation. With this video, viewers learn the five critical elements of successful verbal communication, and the skills for adhering to them: Be a responsible speaker, Choose clear language, Choose the right environment, Be a receptive listener, and Practice feedback.

This video programme helps trainers teach people how to speak and listen responsibly for essential results: quality of product, more error-free efficiency, higher productivity, smoother performance and better human relationships. After more than a decade as a bestseller, this video and leader's guide was updated with a new infusion of training power so needed for the era of empowerment,diversity management and total quality.

Participants will learn:

  • Good verbal communication isn't automatic: we must work hard at it
  • The five critical elements of successful verbal communication, and how to apply them
  • The art of responsible speaking and responsible listening to achieve mutual understanding


  • DVD plus Downloadable Materials
  • Downloadable Materials:
  • Leader's Guide
  • Downloadable materials will be emailed after order completion


Breakthrough Listening - DVD

DVD: 20 minutes

This listening skills video demonstrates how the best business communication happens when all of us learn to be better listeners.

We all know that good communication skills are critical in every business environment. We also know that communication often breaks down. When there's a breakdown, we usually think the solution is to speak more clearly. But often, the solution is better listening. Fortunately, business listening skills can be learned and developed.

In this listening skills DVD or online video training, viewers watch the communication taking place during a typical morning at an office. We learn that each of us has a habitual way of listening—a way of fitting what we hear into our preconceived notions. We are captives of our way of listening, often unaware that what we hear is not what others are saying.

Learning points include:

  • Clear speaking does not guarantee clear listening.
  • Listening is always interpretive.
  • Culture and personal history shape listening.
  • Perceptions about relative power can limit the exchange of ideas.
  • Changes in mood cause changes in listening.
  • Effective communication requires listening BEYOND the words.

Don't take listening for granted. Use this video to teach your staff the skills that will make them better listeners—and thus better communicators.


Social Media at Work DVD

DVD: 14 minutes

Alert your employees to online hazards and show them how to use social media wisely and appropriately.

Social media is everywhere — including our workplaces. While it can serve useful business purposes, it can also open the door to hackers, circulate rumors and abusive comments, create public relations nightmares, and be a real drag on productivity.

In fact, many employees spend up to two hours every workday on non-business related websites — often not realizing how their multiple side-trips can consume their time and lead to other problems, as well. And It's not just during the workday. After-hours posts can also have an impact if they violate policies or cause friction between coworkers.

So how do you avoid the dangers of potential harassment claims, exposure to computer viruses and malware, and release of confidential data? And how do you convince employees that'spending too much company time on social media is just not OK?

This new video will help. Dramatic scenes filmed on location in a variety of industries show:

  • A receptionist's computer is hacked after she opens a suspicious email attachment.
  • A waiter posts a photo from behind-the-scenes that could harm a restaurant's reputation.
  • An office worker snipes at a coworker through social media, making everyone take sides.
  • Text messages are used to pursue unwelcome romantic interest in a colleague.
  • Trade secrets are released before a new product launch and quickly captured by a competitor.
  • Social networking and online video games create more work — and resentment — for coworkers.

For additional information - email

DVD:14 minutes