Soft-skills learning solutions that help improve the performance of individuals, teams & organizations

DVD's - Diversity & Respect

Managing Diversity - DVD (DS)

Duration: 22 minutes

The workplace is changing, reflecting the increasing diversity of our communities. With these changes come new challenges. This award-winning video takes a hard look at one of the most important issues of our day.

As more and more women and minorities enter the workplace, managing diversity is more than just "a sensitive issue." It requires a leap to new levels of awareness. The task is not merely to deal with a diverse workforce, but to capitalize on diversity.

Managing Diversity reveals a range of human perspectives on such issues as power, authority,communication and performance. This enlightening film helps manager better understand the cause and effect of varying viewpoints. It inspires open-mindedness and a willingness to learn from those with diverse backgrounds. It offers strategies for clearer two-way communications, more productive relationships and stronger teamwork. And it provides guidance for bringing the values of the organizational culture into focus, and into action.

Managing Diversity dramatizes problems and solutions in several scenarios involving differences in gender, race and ethnicity. It presents practical solutions as the cast models the attitudes and techniques for promoting increased understanding, expanded participation, effective teamwork and the fullest expression of individual potential.

Participants will learn to:

  • Understand that personal values and behaviours are strongly influenced by differences in gender, race and ethnicity.
  • Develop enlightened self-awareness by rejecting arbitrary assumptions about people who have different backgrounds.
  • Identify and overcome barriers to effective communication and performance.


  • DVD plus Downloadable Materials
  • Downloadable Materials:
  • Leader's Guide
  • Downloadable materials will be emailed after order completion


Patient Diversity: Beyond the Vital Signs - DVD (DS)

Duration: 18 minutes

This DVD examines the concerns faced in healthcare delivery every day. And though the challenges, patients and solutions are highly diverse, the basic principles are not. With our communities becoming more global every day, there is no better time for Patient Diversity.

Spend the afternoon in almost any hospital and you'll discover the challenges of providing - and receiving -medical care in this increasingly diverse era. that's the lesson delivered in Patient Diversity: Beyond the Vital Signs. You'll witness the valiant, yet often flawed attempts of nurses, orderlies and doctors to find a course of treatment for patients whose cultural beliefs toward medicine they do not understand. This lack of understanding not only hampers communication, it delays proper treatment.

Patient Diversity clearly illustrates the importance of learning about your patient population: their belief systems, folk medicine, lore, even those things that dictate how they respond to pain and medical care. 

Take for example, Mrs. Humphreys, who refuses medical care because she believes God is punishing her and medical intervention is useless? Trying to convince her that the hospital's tests are her only alternative does no good. What does? Approaching her with understanding. Offering to phone her minister, encouraging her to see that perhaps God wishes her to have the help of this hospital's resources.

Viewers will learn they must:

  • Learn about the beliefs and practices of their patient population.
  • Not only tolerate, but try to accept the different cultural practices of their patients.
  • Never forget they are treating an individual.


  • DVD plus Downloadable Materials
  • Downloadable Materials:
  • Leader's Guide
  • Downloadable materials will be emailed after order completion


Peacock in the Land of Penguins - DVD (DS)

Duration: 10 minutes

This animated, award-winning video featuring Perry the Peacock is an insightful, inspiring and non-threatening way to illustrate employee empowerment, effective communication and team building skills within the context of diversity.

Meeting the challenges of a rapidly changing and increasingly diverse world is more important than ever. 

When Perry and his exotic feathered friends arrive in the homogeneous Land of Penguins they have trouble fitting in, despite their talent and intelligence. However, when Perry and his friends save the island from an attacking pack of wolves, the penguins realize that in their ever-changing world, all birds would have to appreciate each other's skills and contributions.

This video and its accompanying Leader's Guide are appropriate for all levels of an organization -for executives, managers and supervisors who are in a position to set the tone and establish policies and procedures, as well as for non-management employees who need to enhance their tolerance and understanding of others who are different from themselves and others.

This video will help participants:

  • Build awareness of differences and similarities between groups as well as individuals.
  • Enhance their appreciation for people who are different and help them work comfortably with a wide variety of individuals.
  • Understand how to facilitate the empowerment of themselves and others.
  • Become aware of barriers to empowerment and strategize ways to overcome them.


  • DVD plus Downloadable Materials
  • Downloadable Materials:
  • Leader's Guide, PowerPoint Presentation, Participant Workbook
  • Downloadable materials will be emailed after order completion


Pigeonholed in the Land of Penguins - DVD (DS)

Duration: 10 minutes

This DVD will help team members recognize pigeon-holing, understand its high cost, and learn how to change the pattern.

This animated video tackles the tough subject of stereotyping in a delightful way. It makes us do some soul-searching about the casual way we limit ourselves and others through stereotyping.

We "pigeon-hole" others when we overlook their unique abilities, talents, personalities, and backgrounds. We do it to ourselves, too – when we impose limits and cheat ourselves of new experiences, challenging opportunities, and the fulfillment of our undeveloped potential.

Though animated, this training tool is no flight of fancy. It's a critical component of training in today's changing workplace. Work-groups, committees, and executive teams will benefit from this video, as will any group interested in mobilizing the talents of all its members.

By tapping into the full creativity of everyone on a team, we open ourselves up to significant breakthroughs in innovation,productivity and team effectiveness.

Participants will learn:

  • Why pigeon-holing is so common
  • The consequences and high cost of pigeon-holing themselves and others
  • How to free people from pigeon-holes, allowing them greater freedom to create and contribute


  • DVD plus Downloadable Materials
  • Downloadable Materials:
  • Leader's Guide
  • Downloadable materials will be emailed after order completion


Power of Expectations: The Pygmalion Effect, Educator's Cut - DVD (DS)

Duration: 8 minutes

Individual performance is influenced, both negatively and positively, by the expectations of others. This short Educator's Cut of CRM's Pygmalion Effect programme is designed for use as a meeting opener or discussion starter in teacher training sessions and TESA programmes.


  • Explains how expectations can drive outcomes
  • Provides a basic understanding of the Pygmalion Effect
  • Inspires educators to raise their expectations of students

It's a proven psychological fact: through something that has come to be known as "The Pygmalion Effect", people will perform according to the expectations others have for them. Limited expectations bring limited results, high expectations lead to exceptional results.

The good news is that you can teach your staff how to tap into the positive effects of the Pygmalion Effect with their students, improving outcomes and morale in the process.

Teachers and Administrators will:

  • Understand how positive and negative expectations can create self-fulfilling prophecies.
  • Develop the skills to positively influence students and coworkers.
  • Raise the expectations they have for others.
  • Believe more in their ability to positively influence and lead others.


  • DVD plus Downloadable Materials
  • Downloadable Materials:
  • Discussion Guide
  • Downloadable materials will be emailed after order completion


Pygmalion Effect: Managing the Power Of Expectations 3rd Edition - DVD (DS)

Duration: 22 minutes

In the video, trainees get a complete overview of the Pygmalion Effect through real-life examples, dramatic vignettes and scenes from the classic movie "Pygmalion," where individuals are transformed through the positive (or negative) expectations of another.

It's a fact. Limited expectations bring limited results, high expectations lead to exceptional results. The phenomenon is known as the Pygmalion Effect and it has been documented numerous times in both business and education.

The good news is that you can teach your managers how to create the positive results of the Pygmalion Effect with their employees, improving productivity and morale in the process. CRM's revised Pygmalion Effectt raining programme clearly illustrates that the way we view subordinates can completely change the outcome of any given project.

The information, along with exercises contained in the programme's expanded Leader's Guide and Participant Workbook, teaches your managers to:

  • Understand how positive/negative expectations create self-fulfilling prophecies
  • Develop the skills to positively influence coworkers and subordinates
  • Raise the expectations they have for their staff members
  • Believe more in their own ability to positively influence and lead others

The Pygmalion Effect is part of a long line of CRM Learning Pygmalion programmes that have been favorites of trainers for more than twenty years. New features of this third edition include: video footage from a Pygmalion training session at the Dunn Edwards paint company and a powerful reenactment of a Dunn Edwards "positive Pygmalion" success story, plus an all-new interview with topic expert Dr. Robert Rosenthal.

Expanded workshop tools help participants fully grasp the importance of managing their expectations and enable them to develop comprehensive short- and long-term plans for applying the Pygmalion principles in their daily work environments.


  • DVD plus Downloadable Materials
  • Downloadable Materials:
  • Leader's Guide, PowerPoint Presentation, Participant Workbook
  • Downloadable materials will be emailed after order completion


Respectful Communicator: The Part You Play - DVD (DS)

Duration: 18 minutes

In today's diverse workplace, a number of things can undermine successful communication, including a perceived lack of respect or inclusion. This programme shows how taking a few extra steps can keep misunderstandings to a minimum.


  • Shows how interpersonal communication can make or break productivity and morale
  • Provides practical learning on the sometimes abstract concepts of respect and inclusion
  • Illustrates how to communicate clearly (without demeaning, devaluing or offending others)

Effective communication is at the heart of organizational performance. When miscommunications occur, results are bound to suffer. 

With the increased diversity present in today's workplace, the potential for miscommunication has never been greater. Well-intentioned people can cause others to feel disrespected. And when that happens, morale and productivity drop. Good people leave the organization and, in some cases, lawsuits are filed.

Disrespect is most often caused when we fail to recognize and appreciate the different backgrounds, experiences and opinions of others. Employees at all levels need to understand specific things they can do to build an environment where respect and inclusiveness thrive.

This program goes beyond communication "basics" and includes techniques for making sure we understand What'someone has said, caring about the way we come across and showing people we value their ideas. In the program, onscreen hosts and vignettes demonstrate five guidelines that participants can put into practice immediately:

  1. Consider Your Audience
  2. Talk With Someone Instead of About Them
  3. Confirm that You Understand What'someone is Saying
  4. Know the Boundaries of What's Appropriate to Talk About
  5. Communicate Respectfully During Disagreements


  • DVD plus Downloadable Materials
  • Downloadable Materials:
  • Leader's Guide, Participant Worksheets
  • Downloadable materials will be emailed after order completion


The Respectful Supervisor: Integrity and Inclusion - DVD (DS)

Duration: 12 minutes

This DVD explains how maintaining a positive, productive workplace is contingent upon the supervisor's personal integrity and commitment to ensuring that every person is shown the proper respect.


  • Helps supervisors see their role in a discrimination-free workplace
  • Reminds supervisors to build people up (not tear them down)
  • Encourages supervisors to embrace inclusion and collaboration

Supervisors have many responsibilities. And the most important and impactful responsibility of all is the task of creating a workplace built on respect, integrity, and inclusion. A supervisor's ability to create such an environment depends on their personal self-awareness and individual commitment to setting the right example and honoring the contribution of every employee.

The Respectful Supervisor: Integrity and Inclusion opens with an exploration of integrity. The video then challenges viewers to identify areas where they may not be modelling the best behaviour relative to organizational ethics and values. The video also explains what it means to be inclusive, and demonstrates how the best supervisors create a sense of belonging among all their employees.

Specific Learning Objectives Include:

  1. Understand your role in preventing harassment and discrimination
  2. Be aware of unconscious bias and microinequities
  3. Don't be a bully
  4. Act ethically
  5. Be inclusive

Supervisors are inspired to lead with sincerity and integrity and encouraged to be fair-minded and inclusive. They are also reminded that while employees are desperate to work for someone They'respect,this can only happen if the supervisor first shows respect to them.


  • DVD plus Downloadable Materials
  • Downloadable Materials:
  • Leader's Guide, Participant Worksheets
  • Downloadable materials will be emailed after order completion


The Respectful Supervisor: Motivating and Retaining Employees - DVD (DS)

Duration: 11 minutes

This DVD tackles the issue of motivating and retaining employees by revealing some of the best ways supervisors can convey respect: paying attention to employees, engaging them in regular communication, and demonstrating commitment to employee well-being and success.


  • Reminds supervisors that it is crucial to make employees feel valued
  • Shows how supervisors can demonstrate commitment to success
  • Explains the importance of consistent, two-way communication

Employees equate respect with actions on the part of the supervisor that'say, "You are a valued member of this team. How can I help you be successful?" Yet in a recent study, more than half the employees polled did NOT think their bosses showed this type of respect. The top reasons cited were that the supervisor: didn't interact enough with the team; didn't communicate well; or didn't know enough about the work the employee was doing. This video improves employee motivation and retention by teaching supervisors five behaviors that convey the respect workers seek.

The degree to which an employee is motivated depends in large part on how they feel They're being treated. Those who feel disrespected typically become demoralized; they are less productive, less engaged, and more likely to quickly move on to other jobs. All of which impacts the bottom line.

Specific learning points include:

  1. Have regular one-on-one meetings with employees where you communicate expectations, solve problems, and give feedback (both positive and negative)
  2. Provide tools and training
  3. Show concern
  4. Be the Boss (in a productive, professional manner)
  5. Stay "in the know" about employees' duties

Viewers are reminded that when supervisors invest themselves in developing team members, those team members thrive and the whole department performs at a higher level.


  • DVD plus Downloadable Materials
  • Downloadable Materials:
  • Leader's Guide, Participant Worksheets
  • Downloadable materials will be emailed after order completion


Respectful Workplace: It Starts With You - DVD (DS)

Duration: 15 minutes

The Respectful Workplace explores this timely learning challenge through the introduction of 4 important skill points. Wrong-way scenes depict the negative impact of disrespect while right-way scenes inspire positive, respectful, inclusive behaviour.


  • Breaks the larger and sometimes abstract concept of respect into easily recognized behaviours
  • Shows how an "inclusion" mindset maximizes the collective potential of everyone
  • Reduces the threat of harassment and discrimination while improving communication and morale

In today's organizations, the word "respect" is used a lot. But what does respect look like? What does It'sound like? How do people know it when they see it? And how can organizations make it a central part of their path to success?

Today's workplace is a vibrant melting pot? an ever-changing mix of co-workers. And, while employees may vary in terms of their comfort level with change and diversity, they must all embrace one simple truth: the organization will succeed only when the unique skills and experiences of all individuals are respected.

The key to building this kind of workplace lies in ensuring that each and every individual understands the part they play in the process. This programme combines dramatic vignettes and helpful on screen hosts to illustrate four things individuals must do to ensure that their work place is respectful and inclusive:

  1. Avoid Clearly Discriminatory or Intolerant Behavior
  2. Respect the Unique Perspective and Knowledge Each Person Has to Offer
  3. Act in Ways That Build People Up, Not Tear Them Down
  4. Let Go of the Belief That Your Way is Always Right

Employees are taught that while they don't need to be best friends with everyone on the team,they must respect each other, appreciate their differences and look for the value that each person brings to the overall group effort.


  • DVD plus Downloadable Materials
  • Downloadable Materials:
  • Leader's Guide, Participant Worksheets
  • Downloadable materials will be emailed after order completion.

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