Soft-skills learning solutions that help improve the performance of individuals, teams & organizations

DVD's - Time Management

The Well-Managed Meeting - DVD

DVD: 22 minutes - Includes one complimentary Study Guide.

How often have you asked someone how the meeting went, only to hear: a total waste of time! Yet meetings can be a powerful business tool, bringing people together to solve problems, share ideas, or focus everyone's efforts on a common goal.

So how do you go from "total waste of time" to "powerful business tool"? By training your employees on techniques to prepare and run effective meetings that are focused and meet their objectives.

Produced by a talented cast and crew, this business meeting training video starts with the common pitfalls that often derail meetings. Then you?ll see proven methods that can have a dramatic impact on the effectiveness of your organization's meetings.

You'll learn how being properly prepared allows you to encourage engagement and teamwork while keeping the meeting on time and on track. And you'll see specific techniques for a variety of specialized situations, including web meetings.

We're all busy these days and we can't afford to waste our time with nonproductive meetings. Use this best-selling video to learn how to run a meeting well. Set a company-wide standard for meetings that reach their goals and end on time.

Advance preparation:

  • Define specific goals
  • Create a clear agenda
  • Provide materials up front
  • Set expectations

Meeting management:

  • Stick to your agenda
  • Guide participation
  • Control problem attendees
  • End on time