Soft-skills learning solutions that help improve the performance of individuals, teams & organizations

Lead It Yourself Solutions

Facilitation Tools

CCL’s facilitation tools are packed with research-based and time-tested content that you implement on-site and at your convenience. These materials give you the independence to develop or enhance a variety of leadership skills on your own turf and according to your own needs.

Leadership Explorerâ„¢ Tools

The Leadership Explorer ™ tools are designed to help trainers and other professionals facilitate the leadership development process in individual, teams and organizations. CCL’s tools draw on the knowledge gained by more than 40 years of research and are intended to steer you to success and give you the support you need.
Designed to support creative, more collaborative conversations in leadership, learning and life, the Leadership Explorer tools include:

Visual Explorerâ„¢

Leadership Metaphor Explorerâ„¢

Experience Explorerâ„¢

Values Explorerâ„¢

Boundary Explorerâ„¢

Wisdom Explorerâ„¢

Online Facilitation Tools and Resources:

Learning Tactics Inventory

Campbell Leadership Descriptor

Job Challenge Profile

RSVP Design Products

Leadership Self Assessments Tools

A self-assessment is completed by the individual being assessed. Self-assessments can provide immediate insight into:

  • Moving towards a more productive & sustainable way of managing the boundaries between work & family,
    via the WorkLife Indicator 
  • Understanding leadership characteristics, via the Campbell Leadership Descriptor
  • Using job assignments to develop valuable skills, through the Job Challenge ProfileBUY NOW
  • Articulating preferred learning behaviours & styles, with the Learning Tactics Inventory

NOTE:  The product pages for the above CCL products are still in progress and therefore some overviews may not yet be available.  Should you require additional information, please feel free to email