4th Edition by James Kouzes and Barry Posner

The Leadership Practices Inventory®(LPI) approaches leadership as a measurable and learnable set of behaviors. Developed by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, this well-known 360-degree assessment tool helps individuals measure their leadership competencies and learn how to apply the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership to real-life organizational challenges.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand that effective leadership skills can be learned
  • Measure leadership competencies
  • Learn the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model
  • Discover how to apply practices to organizational challenges

This newly revised Leadership Practices Inventory® (LPI) offers a senior executive briefing which allows you to easily explain the benefits of the LPI, eight actual cases that clearly show how to apply the tested Five Practices model, and completely new section filled with strategies and tools for using the LPI in a coaching session, and ideas on blending the LPI with other popular leadership models. Designed to be flexible, the LPI can be used with any leadership development programme.

What's new in the 4th Edition:

  • A fresh, modern look to the materials, including the feedback reports
  • A group comparison report page
  • A shorter workbook specifically designed for debriefing and understanding the Feedback Report 
  • The latest data on the model
  • An updated facilitator's guide that focuses on LPI administration, debrief, and how a facilitator can develop one's leaders from there. 

Anyone can learn to be an effective leader if they are given the right feedback and tools. Help others to discover their leadership potential with the LPI!

Product Type
Assessment and Workshop

Time Required
3 - 4 hours