Sophisticated Design — Simple Language — Profound Results

A cursory internet search will reveal dozens of assessments and instruments for helping people understand the fundamental traits and characteristics of their personality. Indeed, the continued and widespread use of personality assessments stresses their significance as tools for learning and development. While knowing your personality is important—it's also just one piece of the development puzzle. Assessments that spell out a little more than a horoscope of traits and tendencies or a maze of acronyms and labels do not effect lasting change. It is important to learn how to put that knowledge to use in order to form a complete picture of yourself—results that lead to this level of perception call for precise and refined self-evaluation.

Personality Style at Work (PSAW) is the latest and most statistically accurate assessment. It's a simple, but highly effective tool that measures both the core behaviours that make-up an individual's style and the lens through which they choose to navigate their world. Certification is not required to administer the assessment, making it a more accessible tool than others of its type.


At the foundation of each of the four personality styles — Direct, Considerate, Spirited, and Systematic — is a set of three drivers that guide our actions, decisions, and general life approach. Delving even deeper into the framework of personality is a look at the lens of expressiveness and assertiveness—the learned behaviours that we use as a means of coping with the demands and expectations placed upon us and which help to explain how we can appear to have one personality at work and another in our personal life.

The backbone of Personality Style at Work is the highly regarded HRDQ Style Model, the popular formula that more than a million people have relied upon to understand not only what makes them tick - but those around them as well. What makes it so powerful is that it takes the complexity of personality and boils it down into four simple, memorable words: direct, spirited, systematic, and considerate. The meaning behind these terms gives you the key to unlocking what drives human behaviour.

Personality Style at Work will:

  • Explain what personality style is - and why you should care
  • Assess your behaviour and identify your personality style
  • Show you how to spot different personality types
  • Give you strategies for flexing your style to adapt to any situation
  • Demonstrate how to improve a job search and advance your career
  • Help you to become a more effective manager and team member
  • Offer tips and techniques that will help you get along with just about anyone
  • Enable you to adapt your personality to any organizational culture

PSAW includes a detailed, and highly personalized, feedback report, the Core Profile, which indicates an individual's primary personality style, strength of preference for using each of the drivers associated with their style, and strength of preference for using the assertive and expressive behaviours.

Lacking the complicated code at the basis of other personality-focused assessments, PSAW'S simplistic language and presentation make it easy for participants to retain the knowledge of their style and to use that knowledge to better understand their strengths and to highlight and pinpoint areas for development.

The online assessment takes approximately 10 - 15 minutes to complete. Individuals respond to 90 different items designed to help them identify their behavioural preferences, shedding light on how they react to and interact with the world around them. Most statements ask them to respond by indicating the frequency with which they approach, think about, or act in the way described. Each response is scored and used to generate a Core Profile identifying an individual's personality style and the implications of this style when completing tasks, working with others, and most importantly, how others are to likely see them. Included in the Core Profile are numerous tips and techniques for building rapport, and optimizing relationships and interactions with other styles. The report concludes with a section on using the information in PSAW to create a personal action and development plan.


  • Identify a preference for one of four primary personality styles.
  • Reveal the degree to which you practice the three drivers or motivators of each style.
  • Discover the effects of assertiveness and expressiveness on your style.
  • Learn the core preferences and behaviours of all four styles.
  • Understand how to flex or adapt your style to meet the preferences of others.

Personality Style at Work is, at its core, a developmental tool and is suitable for anyone interested in understanding how their behaviours affect their own performance and interactions with others. As such it has applications in leadership development, management and supervisory training, team culture, team building, communication, and career development.


  • Primary personality style
  • Strength of preference for using each of the drivers associated with your style
  • Strength of preference for using the assertive and expressive behaviours


  • Direct Style — Achievement, Control, and Challenge
  • Spirited Style — Conceptualization, Initiation, and Collaboration
  • Considerate Style — Harmony, Recognition, and Consensus
  • Systematic Style — Organization, Objectivity, and Tradition
  • Influencing Style — Direct, Spirited, Considerate, or Systematic,
  • Expressiveness
  • Assertiveness



Purchasing an individual registration provides you with instant access to this online assessment for a one-time use. Upon completing your order, you will receive an email with a link that gives you instant access to the assessment. You will receive a second email with a link to your results after you complete the assessment.

Assessment Contents:

Personalized, Full-colour Report

Your Core Profile

Four Personality Styles

Dimensions of Style: Assertiveness and Expressiveness

Drivers of Style

Your Personality Style Preferences

Interacting with Other Personality Styles

Applying What You've Learned


The results of the assessment are presented in the form of a detailed report called the Core Profile, which is made available to the participant. Whilst the participant has completed the Core Profile, a Coaching Report can then be generated. The Coaching Report is intended solely for the coach and offers feedback and questions that will help guide the client through the process of interpreting and understanding their Core Profile in greater depth.

Assessment Contents

Two full-colour reports, delivered separately and customized for each client that takes the assessment:

Core Profile, indicating your client's:

Dominant Personality Style

Scores for each associated driver to the dominant style

Scores for each dimension of style: assertiveness and expressiveness

Dominant influencing driver

Coaching Report, an ancillary document to the Core Profile containing not only the above results, but also

feedback on all drivers and dimensions of the dominant style that includes a rating of green (supporting), orange (possible opportunity or potential issue), and red (emerging or existing trouble spot) for each driver and dimension

questions to help you engage your client, build rapport, and move the conversation beyond the feedback


The Technical Manual is an essential companion to the assessment. It offers a wealth of practical information for workplace learning professionals, consultants and coaches. The manual introduces the underlying theory behind PSAW, explains in detail the four personality styles measured by the assessment and their associated drivers or key motivators and features a range of statistical data to support the assessment's validity and reliability. It concludes with a section on interpreting PSAW and providing feedback.

If you are using PSAW for coaching, or employee and leadership development, we recommend acquiring a copy of the technical manual in order to fully acclimatize yourself to the assessment, its key features and its potential applications.

The manual is offered as a downloadable PDF for personal use only. It is fully protected under copyright law and may not be duplicated. 



The Importance of Personality Style

Applications for Personality Style Development

Section 1: Getting Started


PSAW: The Assessment

PSAW: The Core Profile

PSAW: The Coaching Report

Section 2: Understanding Personality Style at Work

Theoretical Background

The Four Personality Styles

Dimensions of Style: Assertiveness and Expressiveness

Influencing Drivers

PSAW, Marston, and Emotions of Normal People


Technical Development and Statistical Data

Item Development



Section 3: Interpretation and Feedback

Interpreting Dominant Personality Styles

Interpreting the 12 Style Drivers

Interpreting the Assertiveness and Expressiveness Dimensions

Interpreting Influencing Drivers

Direct Style Influencing Drivers

Spirited Style Influencing Drivers

Considerate Style Influencing Drivers

Systematic Style Influencing Drivers

Section 4: Coaching with PSAW

Providing Feedback

Setting Feedback Goals


Figures and Tables

Accessing the PSAW Assessment and Reports

For a copy of the PSAW INFO KIT or an ONLINE REPORT SAMPLE, email [email protected]