Soft-skills learning solutions that help improve the performance of individuals, teams & organizations

Campbell Leadership Descriptor (Assessment)

Designed specifically for use in situations where a comprehensive analysis of leadership characteristics is useful, the Campbell Leadership Descriptor helps individuals identify their strengths and weaknesses in nine major leadership attributes.

Experience Explorer (Card Game)

Experience Explorer is a deck of cards that starts conversations, builds camaraderie, and creates networks. Experience Explorer helps managers at all levels realize how much they have learned about leadership from their own powerful experiences.

Leadership Metaphor Explorer (Card Game)

Designed by the Center for Creative Leadership, this hands-on game uses metaphorical images and captions to open a dialogue about the three stages of dependent, independent, and interdependent leadership cultures.

Visual Explorer (Card Game)

Developed by the Center for Creative Leadership, Visual Explorer is a powerful training tool that’s designed to encourage collaborative conversations and useful dialogue in a safe learning environment.

Leading Across Differences (Case Book/Workshop)

Developed by a research team that includes The Center for Creative Leadership faculty, Leading Across Differences is a training package that offers new ways of thinking about leadership challenges, providing participants with a framework and process for better understanding their context and taking appropriate action.