CRG Online Assessments

CRG’s Holistic Assessment System develops the “Whole Person” - increasing self-awareness which leads to self-management and self-mastery. The assessments are learning friendly focusing on the participant experience and application. You don’t require certification to use the assessments. With an 80% switch rate from other personality tools and assessments, we have proven our design advantages for over 40 years. 

These fast-paced communication and learning tools help you understand yourself better—your personal style, leadership skills, learning styles, values and much more. CRG assessments are not tests that can be passed or failed—they are completely self-administered and self-scoring. The emphasis is placed on the person and his or her development, rather than on the assessment.

All CRG online assessments are responsive design and mobile friendly!

Annual License High-Volume Package Options Available.

Personal Style Indicator (PSI)

Research has confirmed that your (our) Self-Awareness is the secret ingredient (meta-skill) for success in the 21st century. People who understand who they are—and how they’re seen—make smarter choices, build positive relationships, enjoy more successful careers, feel more fulfilled and live better lives.

The #1 Personality (Personal Style) Assessment for over 40 years as rated by participants!

Values Preference Indicator (VPI)

When we are not living in alignment with our values, our personal energy is disrupted, our internal drive is hindered and our fulfillment is diminished.

The Value Preference Indicator is a simple yet powerful process to help measure personal values preferences. 

Job Style Indicator (JSI)

Do you need help in “getting the right people on the bus and the right people in the right seats”?

True job satisfaction is about more than money and security. Matching preferred work styles to relevant roles provides intrinsic rewards too. Job satisfaction is a tricky thing. Ideally, occupation would be consistent with personality and skills.

Manager's Job Style Indicator (M-JSI)

How can you hire the right person, if the hiring committee does not agree who is the best type of person for the position?

Avoid this challenge by using the Manager’s Job Style Indicator where up to 5 individuals can complete a Job Style Indicator on a single position—allowing you to review feedback from several decision-makers about the position.

Hiring the right person requires being clear about the requirements of the job and the characteristics of the person who will best fill it.

Job Style Indicator - Compatability Comparison (JSI-C)

The Job Style Indicator Compatibility Report (JSI-C) is an online system that brings CRG’s Job Style Indicator or  Manager’s Job Style Indicator results together with each individual’s CRG style assessment results. The JSI-C then presents a compatibility level for each individual as compared to that specific position.

There are four levels outlined from a Match, Slight Mismatch, Mismatch to Extreme Mismatch. Even though Style Compatibility is only one part of the hiring process the research is clear; unless there is a style match between the individual and the position it is nearly impossible to sustain engagement.  

JSI Compatibility Reports Available in Four Packages with a declining per report investment based on your package selection.

Sales Style Indicator (SSI)

Selling is one of the most important skills people should develop. It does not matter what our job or role is—we are all involved in selling. We are all selling our ideas and desires to others. The Sales Style Indicator (SSI) is a powerful sales communication and learning tool that can instantly improve the performance and results of any sales or customer service professional. 

Entrepreneurial Style & Success Indicator (ESSI)

Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs are an ever-growing segment of business world-wide. The statistics for long-term success, however, are less than attractive; 85 percent of all small businesses fail within the first five years of operation.

The ESSI includes two assessments: Part I where we measure your business or entrepreneurial style helps you determine your inherent entrepreneurial tendencies, motivations, and propensities and Part II where we compare your background to 4000 successful entrepreneurs.

Learning Style Indicator (LSI)

Discover how you and others learn best by completing the Learning Style Indicator. This assessment helps you and your clients understand your natural learning preferences, your learning style pattern(s) and your most effective learning strategies.

Instructional Style Indicator (ISI)

The Instructional Style Indicator is a compelling communication and learning tool that can instantly improve the instructional performance and results of any educator, teacher, speaker, trainer, facilitator, coach or instructor.

Stress Indicator and Health Planner (SIHP)

Did you know that according to the World Health Organization that 90-95% of all illness is lifestyle related and preventable? Did you also know that over 75% of individuals in the developed world are now overweight and over 50% are highly stressed at work?

The Stress Indicator and Health Planner (SIHP) helps you assess your stress and wellness level in five different categories. 

Self-Worth Inventory (SWI)

Confidence is an important character trait which through specific strategies and choice can be improved. The Self-Worth Inventory  is uniquely designed to confirm what CRG calls Situational Self-Worth. This means in some areas of your life you will feel confident in others not as much. This a valuable process so individuals can focus on areas which are most important to them.

Leadership Skills Inventory - Self (LSI-S)

The Leadership Skills Inventory–Self  is based on research in applied behavioural science and leadership effectiveness. It focuses primarily on helping you develop your ability to manage “self” and the “people” side of leadership. The research on emotional and organizational intelligence continues to substantiate the validity of the leadership skills in this inventory.

Leadership Skills Inventory - 360 Degree (LSI 360)

One of the best ways to grow as a leader is to receive a 360Âş evaluation about your performance and productivity in your capacity as leader. Research shows that, contrary to popular belief, asking for feedback from others in the organization is strongly correlated to a leader’s overall effectiveness. The LSI-360Âş comes with a self assessment for the leader and confidential feedback from up to 10 others.

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